Chu Wong

Sustainability Consultant

Stakeholder Manager

Business Strategist




Chu solves problems and increases efficiency through business strategy and implementation, and is particularly excited about projects related to the environment and social causes.

Her specialisation is in sustainable fashion, with experience spanning across multiple organisations in the industry, both non- and for-profit.

Chu löst Probleme und steigert Effizienz durch Business-Strategie und deren Umsetzung, und begeistert sich besonders für Projekte, die der Umwelt oder sozialen Zwecken zugutekommen.

Sie spezialisiert sich auf Fair Fashion (nachhaltige Mode) und hat in der Branche für mehrere Organisationen gearbeitet, sowohl im Nonprofit-Bereich als auch im kommerziellen.

Chu 通过业务战略和执行解决问题并提高效率,对与环境和社会事业相关的项目特别感兴趣。


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Sustainable fashion


Fashion is often seen as frivolous, when it's actually a revenue driver to be reckoned with. The global apparel market is valued at 1.7 trillion USD1 and employs between 60-300 million people2.

Break fashion into simpler terms and it's clothes we're looking at - something everyone wears. Imagine the change that could be effected if every shopper were just a little more curious about what goes into their clothes, who made them and under what conditions.

Chu’s interest in sustainable fashion was sparked in 2013, when she learnt about the Rana Plaza collapse and started taking a closer look at her personal consumption habits. This has since evolved into raising awareness and empowering stakeholders to be change agents through the organisations she works with.

She was the Country Coordinator of Fashion Revolution Singapore and the founder of Shop Bettr. She is also a Climate Reality Leader trained by Al Gore.

As a domain expert, Chu has been invited to conduct talks, workshops and speak on panel discussions for sustainability in fashion.

Topics: Responsible consumption and production (UN SDG 12), circular economy in the textiles and apparel industry, fashion waste, certifications and standards in the garment industry, textiles and fibres, carbon accounting and decarbonisation strategies for the fashion industry

1 Based on 2021 figures from Fashion United
2 Based on 2019 figures from Fashion United


Selected engagements


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